Gold is used internally due to its rasayana property.
It is an ayurvedic way of treatment to boost immunity
In today’s environment, immunity of children is weak
Weak immunity leads to illness like cold and cough. Nowadays children are more likely to be prone to allergic bronchitis.
Serving Swarnaprashana prevents children from diseases like constipation, gastric problem, loss of appetite and other stomach related problems are more common in children.
It helps in skin problems and allergies, improves skin colour and complexion and texture of the skin.
It also helps in children with memory loss by improving the memory, concentration and for hyperactive kids
Swarnaprashana also helps special children like autism, lack of concentration, learning difficulties, ADHD.
It has no side effects
Causes of weak immunity:
Polluted environment, unhealthy foods
It contains:
Swarna bhasma, Cow ghee, Organic honey and also includes vacha, yastimadhu, brami
When to give?
It should be started in the pushyanakshatra which is auspicious and it helps to absorb the medicine very fast.
Which age is the right age?
Children from birth to 16 years can take swarnaprashana
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