Other Treatments


A relaxing therapy where warm medicated oils are poured from a special vessel onto the center of the forehead, inducing a mental state of deep relaxation. It calms the nervous system and helps to melt away the chattering of the mind.
In the Sanskrit language, Shirodhara is composed of two words Shiro + dhara. Shiro means head and Dhara means flow of warm oil. The patient lies supine on a flat surface with a head back and a rolled towel or pillow beneath the neck. A stream of warm oil is drizzled very slowly onto the center of the forehead (the location of the “third eye”) for 60 minutes followed by a gentle scalp massage. The effect is indescribable
Shirodhara treatment is done in absolute silence. It takes you to deep relaxation and into a balanced state of rest in mind and body. Best experienced after a massage, Shirodhara is one of our most popular Ayurveda treatments.
Shirodhara is a great rejuvenating therapy that gives a healthy face and body glow. In Ayurveda, rejuvenating therapy is the golden path to attain longevity as it is aimed at the preservation of health. Shirodhara helps to heal the body at the root level of disease, by calming imbalances in our mind and disturbances in our emotions it leaves you feeling in a heavenly state for the rest of your day.

Recommended for

Insomnia, Headaches, Stress, Chattering Mind, Excessive Mental Fatigue, Eye And Ear Conditions, Movement of the Lymph To Stimulate Detoxification.


Deep relaxation of the nervous system, improved functioning of the 5 senses, relief from mental and physical stress and strain, improved vitality and balance, increased blood circulation around the body and to the brain, boosts memory, nourishes hair and the scalp and assists in providing sound sleep.


The nose is the doorway to the brain, mind, and consciousness. Prana, or life-force energy, enters our bodies through the breath so it is vital that the nostrils are free from blockages, well lubricated, and in a healthy condition. The Nasya treatment aids the lubrication and cleansing of the nostrils and stimulates other benefits throughout the whole of neck and head. Nasal is the nasal administration of medicinal herbs and oils for the purpose of treating a whole range of ailments from the neck up. Dry nasal passage, sore throat, hoarse voice, stiffness in the neck or head, jaw ache, facial paralysis, headaches, migraines, and various eye and ears problems. It also relieves mental and emotional stress, anxiety, fear, and negativity. Different oils are used to treat differing symptoms or ailments. Nasya oil is infused with special herbs that both nourish and lubricate the sinus cavities.

Recommended for

Anyone suffering from blocked or dry nasal passage, sinus problems, headaches, clouded mental abilities, excess fear, negativity, or depression.


Improved clarity and perception, enhanced cerebral circulation, better sleeping patterns, improved sense of well-being, and calmness of mind.


Agnikarma is a superior para-surgical procedure. This procedure aims at the management of various afflictions by inflicting burns on the tissue surface directly by using different materials known as ‘Dahanopakaranas’(tools of cauterization).
‘Pancha dhatu shalaka’ has been used on a regular basis for the purpose of Agnikarma irrespective of the structure involved or the level of pathology. The Pancha dhatu shalaka is made up of Copper, Brass, Bronze, Lead, and Tin (in equal quantity).
Agnikarma is beneficial in Painful conditions of bones and joints, Joint stiffness, Muscle spasm, Tennis elbow, Calcaneal spur, Plantar fasciitis, Sciatica, To remove the wart, excise the corn from the heel, Low back aches, and Trigger thumb.

Netra tarpanam

The head is said to be the Uttamanga (best organ). It is an abode of all the Indriyas (sense organs). Among all the Indriyas (sense organs) Nayana or Eye, the sense organ of sight or vision is said to be the best and most important. Tarpana treatment is an efficient therapy for Ayurvedic eye care.

Most of our day-to-day activities are dependent on our vision. When eye health is at its best, we enjoy the colorful manifestation of the world. But when the eye gets clouded by one or the other disease, we feel that we have topped the list of curses.

Computer eye syndrome or Computer vision syndrome (CVS) is quite common in most people.

Stress and strain-related disorders of the eye are common in the present era of computers and gadgets. We are nowadays witnessing school-going kids wearing spectacles at a tender age because of technology addiction and erratic study postures, wrong choices of food, and sleep preferences.

Ayurveda offers the best time-tested remedies for eye disorders and eye strain. Netra Tarpana tops the list of Ayurvedic remedies meant for tackling diseases related to the eye and vision.

Netra means “Eye”, and Tarpana means “Nourishment”

Thus, Netra Tarpana means ‘Nourishment of Eye’ or a treatment which nourishes the eye other names for Netra Tarpana -Netra Tarpanam

Akshi Tarpana / Akshi Tarpanam – Same as Netra Tarpana (Akshi synonymous with Netra) Netra Vasti – Vasti means pooling. Medicated oil or ghee is filled in a flour compartment (vasti) constructed around the eye/eyes and left in place for a fixed duration of time. This procedure nourishes and strengthens the eyes, and cures eye diseases. The procedure is the same in Netra Tarpana. After Netravasti, the patient must avoid exposure to sunlight for a prescribed interval of time.


Marma therapy is an important part of Ayurveda that helps to maintain health by cleansing blocked energy. In Marma therapy, a very light stimulation of points on the body is done. It removes blockages from the marma points giving physical and psychological relaxation and strength. This is a powerful process and a therapy that works with these subtle and sensitive energy points to open the energy channels in the body are called srothas. Marma points, when gently pressed on the skin can stimulate a chain of positive events

Benefits of Marma Therapy

Strengthens the organ systems and tissues.

Regenerates & nourishes the tissue.Strengthens the organ systems and tissues.

Increases the protection from vata disorders.

Prevents aging & stimulates the Immunity of the body.

Improves lymph circulation.

Nourishes the body and improves blood circulation.

Helps to remove excess toxins & strengthens muscles and ligaments.

Encourages good sleep & relieves stress.

Reduces pain, and inflammation in joints.

Improves physical stability.


Leech Therapy is an ancient and advanced practice in Ayurveda. It uses leeches (Hirudo medicinalis) to draw out impure blood from a patient through a specially-made incision. Only the blood from the infected area is drawn out this way.

The disease-affected region is first carefully cleaned and wiped dry. Small incisions are made and the leeches are placed on the site. Leeches instinctively latch onto the flesh and start consuming the vitiated blood. The body part is covered with a white cloth in some instances. The process is stopped only when the Vaidyan (Ayurvedic doctor) decides that sufficient amounts of toxins have been removed. The leeches are removed from the cut by applying a little salt or honey.
The leeches are specially bred for medicinal purposes, and carefully cleaned in turmeric before the treatment. Usually, they are bred in a small pond with a muddy bottom, ideal for increasing their lifespan and growth.

Udwarthanam (Dry massage)

Udwarthanam is a special therapeutic deep-tissue massage using herbal powders. Udwarthanam means to elevate or to promote. This massage involves upward stroking, where the powder is rubbed forcibly on the body. Classical treatises on Ayurveda explain this procedure as a daily routine.

Benefits of Udwarthanam Therapy

Pacifies the aggravated Kapha dosha

Reduces the excess fat accumulated in the subcutaneous tissues

Softens and exfoliates dead skin cells, thereby giving a lustrous glow to the skin

Detoxification, purification, and toning of the skin

Eliminates bad body odor

Improves mobility of joints

Strengthens and tones up the muscles

Takes care of conditions due to improper blood supply

Improves circulation; opens up the body channels (Srotus) increasing the basal metabolic rate.

Tones up the skin and muscles after the childbirth

Removes cellulite and helps in weight reduction

Improves the sense of touch & Reduces the blood cholesterol


Kativasthi is a special type of low back therapy or lumbar therapy. The word Kati stands for low back or waist and Vasthi, for containing or retaining something inside. Kativasthi is an Ayurvedic lumbosacral rejuvenation therapy using hot oil or herbal decoctions. One can achieve both local oleation and sudation by this procedure.

Benefits of Kativasthi Therapy

Pacifies Vata Dosha

Reduces pain and inflammation

Deeply purifies and improves blood circulation around the lumbosacral area

Lubricates the joints

Removes rigidity and spasm of muscles around lumbosacral region

Nourishes and strengthens the bones, connective tissues, ligaments, nerves, and muscles of the lumbosacral regionon

Greeva Basti

The phrase Greeva Basti is from Sanskrit. The word Greeva refers to neck and Basti stands for container or retaining something inside. It is an Ayurvedic neck care and basically a hot oil therapy. Greeva Basti is bathing the neck region with medicated oil or freshly prepared herbal decoction. The procedure does oleation and sudation around the neck region simultaneously. Due to the present day lifestyle which involves continued and glued sitting position and lack of body movements problems of the spine, muscles and skeletal tissues of the neck and shoulder arise. Greeva Basti addresses these issues effectively.


● Relieves the burden of stress and congestion in nerves, bones, and muscles of the neck and shoulders and thus relaxing and rejuvenating them
● Improves flexibility and brings smooth movement
● Improves circulation around the neck and shoulder region.


● Cervical spondylosis, cervical spondylitis, cervical disc lesion
● Vertigo
● Tingling, numbness of the hands
● Compression fractures
● Chronic pain in the neck region
● Frozen shoulder

Janu Basti

The knee joint is called Janu Sandhi in Sanskrit; hence the name Janu Basti is given to the procedure done on knee joints. In this, the knee joint is bathed with warm medicated oil or freshly prepared herbal decoction. Depending on the condition it can be practiced over both the knee joints or on one knee joint. Knee joints are considered as sandhi Marma in Ayurveda (joint type of vital areas) which measure about three fingers (three anguli pramana). So the janu vasti is specialized knee therapy or massage which rejuvenates the janu marma.


Pacifies aggravated Vata dosha in the knee region
Restores the lubricating fluid in the joint and maintains the integrity of the structures involved in the joint.
Removes stiffness and pain in the Knee joint
Protects knee joints from age-related changes
Increases blood circulation; thus strengthens and nourishes the knee joints
Improves the mobility of the knee joints (knee flexion and knee extension)


Osteoarthritis of knee joints
Arthrosis of knee joints
Chronic pain of the knee joint